Dieng Plateau is one of the best tourist attractions in the island of Java which is located west of Mount Sindoro complex and Sumbing. Its beauty is a tourist destination for vacation, recreation, travel tour’s most desirable travel in Central Java province. Dieng legendary tourist spot is located between the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. Some of the tourist attractions in the Dieng plateau is the famous crater Sikidang, Dieng relay Pandang, Tuk Bimolukar, Telaga Warna, Dieng Plateau Theatre, Golden Sunrise Sikunir, Telaga Cebongan, Arjuna Temple Complex, and Batu Wailing.
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We PaketWisataJogja75.com is the travel agency travel tour agent that serves your vacation to Jogja and other attractions on the island of Java. One of them is the Dieng plateau. We offer travel packages Jogja – Dieng ranging from cheap packages up to VIP tour packages according to your budget and your request. In addition to providing holiday packages Jogja – Dieng private tour we also give you the option to travel with a joint open-trip tour or combined for an individual or family, or group tour. A wide variety of combinations of Yogyakarta travel packages are also provided for in the mix with Dieng travel package tour travel. Examples of tourist attractions in Yogyakarta and Central Java which can be combined with Dieng travel packages, among others: Chicken Church, Borobudur, Ketep Pas, Malioboro, Keraton Yogyakarta, Vredeburg, Monjali, Taman Kyai Lasting, Elo River Rafting, etc.
Dieng midnight package tour is simple because it only took a day or one day tour. Start the tour to an end it took about 12 hours. The following is a detail of the package sunrise Dieng Sikunir:
Preparation to climb to the Mount Sikunir, Hunting Golden Sunrise Hill Sikunir, Visiting Lake Cebongan, Breakfast, Visiting Arjuna temple complex, Kaliasa Museum, Visiting Crater Sikidang, lunch, trip to Yogyakarta, Sayonara.
Travel to dieng plateau by staying one night in a hotel, or homestay (if you want). On the second day we will invite you to enjoy the sunrise in the hills Sikunir and visiting tourist attractions in other Dieng. Detail schedule as you can see below:
Schedule Day 1:
On the first day we will pick you up at the station or airport Adi Sucipto Jogjakarta. Further, we will invite you to do a city tour including a visit Kraton Jogja Jogjakarta, Malioboro, and Borobudur. Of course all the attractions that are optional and can be changed if you want the other tourist attractions. After completion of Jogja city tour then we’ll Go to check in at the hotel of Dieng area.
Schedule Day 2:
On the second day early in the morning we will invite you to climb the Mount Sikunir, which is famous with its golden sunrise. Then, after breakfast, we invite you to Telaga Warna, then we will visit some caves tour as, Goa Semar, Jaran Goa, Goa wells. After the caves tour, we invite you to view a documentary film about Dieng in the Dieng plateau theater. Then we proceed to Crater Sikidang, Arjuna temple complex, Gatutkaca Temple, Temple Bimo. After enjoying some temple sites then we will take you back to Yogyakarta or bring you back home.
Schedule Day 1:
On the first day we will invite you to enjoy the natural beauty of travel in Jogja. The first time we will pick you up at the airport of Yogyakarta or station. What you need to do is just inform us your expected arrival time to us, so that we can pick you up at the right time. Afterwards we will invite you to visit Prambanan Temple which is located between the border of Yogyakarta and Central Java. Later in the afternoon we invite you to visit one of the most famous beaches in Yogyakarta, which is Parangtritis beach. There you can play water and waves while enjoying a late afternoon until sunset. After dinner, you will be transfer to check in hotel In, which are already registered.
Schedule Day 2:
On the second day, we’ll do a bit of traveling in Jogja to visit Malioboro and typical souvenirs of Jogja that you want. Once you had satisfied shopping, we will be heading towards magelang to visit Borobudur. Borobudur is the largest temple which is became one of the miracles of the world. So it is a big lost if you miss this one. Once satisfied in Borobudur we will invite you to get to Dieng plateau for hotel checking in.
Schedule Day 3:
On the third day, in the early of the morning we will invite you to see the Mount Sikunir, which is famous with its Sunrise with golden sunrise. Then we proceed to travel Telaga Warna, Goa Semar, Jaran Goa, Goa Well, Dieng Theater, Crater Sikidang, Arjuna temple complex, Gatutkaca Temple, Temple Bimo. After enjoying some temple sites then we will take you back to Yogyakarta or sent you back to home.
Adventure Package Jogjakarta-Dieng
In this adventure tour packages we offer you some of the natural attractions. This package is a bit challenging for you. You do not have to worry if you bringing small children. This attraction is safe for kids at the age of 7 years.
Schedule Day 1:
To schedule the first day we will visit some of the tourist spots in the Gunung kidul which are: Pindul and Oyo River. There you will be satisfied playing water by using a tire or tubing. Caving with the tires and enjoying the natural beauty. Once you satisfied traveled in Pindul and Oyo river, we will continue shopping tour in Malioboro area, and then continue the journey towards Dieng. Check In Hotel dieng
Schedule Day 2:
On the second day, In the early of the morning we will invite you to see the Mount Sikunir famous Sunrise with golden sunrisenya. Then we proceed to travel Telaga warna, Goa Semar, Jaran Goa, Goa Well, Dieng theater, Crater Sikidang, Arjuna temple complex, Gatutkaca Temple, Temple Bimo. After enjoying some temple sites then we will take you back to Yogyakarta or sent hom.
From the several examples of our travel information packages jogja – Dieng and its surroundings are of course highly flexible nature, the package can be customized. Starting from the attractions, the facilities in the desired, eg hotel accommodation, etc., you can all go back because revisions will affect the price of package tours. Enjoy your Jogja – Dieng holidays with us, professionalism and total service for you is the main motto of our company in Jogja tour package services – Dieng tour
JOGJA75 Halal Tour Travel
Bakulan / Sumber Batikan, Trirenggo, Bantul, Yogyakarta - 55714
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